Saturday, December 27, 2008

Who can resist?

It's hard to resist adding more pictures. BECAUSE...if you want to be honest, really the only ones who really want to see baby pictures are the people who belong to the baby!!! But, here they are anyway. In case you haven't seen my son, Matt in awhile...there he is with his little nephew. Last I heard, we were referring to him (Matt) as Uncle Higgy. We'll see how that works out. Then we've got my 3 kids + Logan + me and THEN...another elf picture! Looking at that picture, can there really be any doubt....there is an elf in our midst!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

He's Here!!!!!

Baby Logan Thomas Campbell arrived Saturday morning, December 20th at 2:41am. He weighed in at 7.2lbs and his grandma thinks he looks like an elf. Actually, he looks EXACTLY like his I guess the real question would then be, does Josh look like an elf? No, he does not. But take a look for yourself and see my beautiful elfin grandson.........cute as a bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FINISHED. COMPLETED. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 shows , the secret shop, and a formal observation in 7 days. An all time record.....Thank you to everyone who has been praying and putting up with me. Thank you to everyone who participated. Thank you to everyone who helped with sooooooo much. A very special thank you to the Fickenscher Family. What wonderful, kind, helpful folks they are. Really remember my unsung heros....well, I'm singing their praises here and NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get my house habitable and get on track for new adventures............HOORAY...............

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Secrets now abound with the children of PPC!!!!! That's because a BOATLOAD of them did their shopping today at our Secret Shop!!! They were soooo fun as they looked for their special items for their special people. You know...little kids are different from us. Not one of them looked at their list and rolled their eyes and said "Here's so and so. I guess i HAVE to get them something" No, each name was special...each one deserved special consideration and thought....there were no, "have to's". Each one was a delight....and it was a delight to watch them. They are sooooooooooooo funny...Now here is something that is NOT a secret. Well, actually, it kind of is, but it is my job to make it NOT a secret. Here is a salute to the unsung heros of my church...... Dana and Jeremy and family....Sue H and family.....Eric and Alan....Joanne.....Suzanne...Cindy and Jason...the folks who came just to clean up....the folks who came to help giftwrap.....all of the teens who came to help......OH MY GOSH....EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All school programs are officially DONE....finished....completed......!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO! The first graders program was hysterical.....there were at least 350 people there to see the show. The kids were wacko, but they sang their songs well. I was DRIPPING WET during their show. Little kids are hard work!!!!! The parents were actually very nice...NO ONE YELLED AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING. (Of course, I'm not out the door yet....:)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Now that you mention it.....

I don't mind the preston auto ads...that young lady has always done a good job. So has the frog!! :) Closing in on my first school show...7pm tonight!!!! They just did a rehearsal and did fine....they are excited and I'm excited for them. I'll also be really excited when it's over...though we do have to do it again tomorrow for the school. That will be ok. Then tomorrow night is the little kids....soon....very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thank YOU!

well, I just want to thank God for a great day. We had our cantata at church last night and it was fine. I was so incredibly grateful for Avery's diligence in learning that piano part. It was a stinker...... I have the best church choir made up of the best folks anywhere. Today was chaos at school because we were finishing up getting ready for the concert. I bet the custodial staff had a cow when they saw my room. It was TRASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, we will see how tomorrow goes. I've gotten to know a couple of the new kids and that has been good. We'll see...we'll see.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Still crabbing.....

I guess it's like this. I look at something and see tiny little individual details that will make a stage look so very cool. Then, I have to figure out how to accomplish that elementary school style. Then, I have to figure out how to do it with no $$$$$$$$$$!!!!!! Then, I actually have to physically do it. When it is done, it looks beautiful (to me), but does anyone else really care? Would they be just as happy with having their kid stand up on a riser, wearing a Santa hat and singing about 8 songs. Probably. And then, when I've done all this work, i just get grief. I asked for contributions of stuff....I got one roll of wrapping paper and one string of lights. whoopee. Ok...I'm done....I'm just really afraid my nightmare will come true and I'll have a bad show.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Too old????

Do you ever think you are just too old or too crabby to do your job?? That is kind of how I feel today. For too long, I think I've wasted my energies on things I care about but to be honest no one else does....Does anybody care if I hang sparkly curtains on the back of the stage? Or stand up on a ladder and hang twinkly lights on the short curtain?? Or twirl lights around a hugh pillar?? I mean, does anybody care??????????????????????????????????????? I try to incorporate all sorts of kids and still somebody crabs. I do so much right and then I blow it with one rude comment. I just don't feel like bothering anymore. I just don't.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Home Grown TV commercials....

I have wanted to complain about this FOR YEARS.....finally determined I could share my frustration HERE. FOLKS... if you own your own business, it is NOT A GOOD IDEA TO USE YOUR CHILDREN AS "SPOKESMEN" in your TV commercial. In fact, it is really, really annoying........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 99% of the time, they can't be understood. As much as you love them and think they are incredibly cute, it just doesn't translate into positive advertising. If I want to make a purchase, a mumbling 6 year old is NOT going to be the one to give me the confidence to purchase it from that provider. Spend your money wisely and save the kiddos for the family album.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Nope, not scrooge....but raising an ebenezer. Yes, I know....Lynne "P" and I used to laugh everytime we sang that hymn, but that was when I was stupid and unenlightened. NOW....i have marginally more knowledge and NOW I understand that raising an ebeneezer is basically setting up a monument in testimony to God's faithfulness. You know, I don't think we can have enough of those...and I think setting up those monuments gives us something to cling to when we think God isn't paying attention. So....I now "raise an ebenezer"...I give testimony to God and His unfailing love AND his presence and very real caring in my life. I think we spend so much of our lives stumbling around in the dark and then every now and then He shines a brilliant laser beam of light on us to remind us He is there.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm back.........!!!!!!

Yes, I know it's been awhile....not sure why. Just figured anything I had to say would cause the rest of the world to doze off!!!!!!!! So much is coming up.....many of which are my favorite things, but when they are all crammed gets more than a little insane. 4 programs plus the secret shop all in one week....PLEASE pray for good health, good stamina and good weather!!!!!!! And pray for a cooperative baby waiting to be born after Dec 14, but not to putz around too long after that time! I spoke to him when i visited Christy a couple of weeks ago. I told him Dec 18ish would be good. Let's see if he is a good listener to his grandma....Yes, I am EXCITED.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I know it has been a long time since I've posted. This has been a "full fall" so far. Try saying that fast 12 times! Right now I'm in the middle of Christmas preparations and the clock is TICKING! Shopping already???? No....musicals, cantatas, special services etc. ALL need to be planned and decided NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! So...that's all I have to say...I need to go write!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Christy's Baby Shower

I'm just sitting here by myself thinking about the difference 1 week can make. Last Sunday, everything was a great bustle about time, getting ready for Christy's baby shower. My mom was here, Christy and Jenn were here...we had been working on the house, I was nervous if the food I had made would taste good and I was concerned about people having a good time. Well, no worries were went beautifully and in the midst of the busyness, I had some moments when I looked at the incredible women present. Women from all different situations....many of them mothers themselves...all coming together to help this young woman, my daughter, prepare for her baby. It is still sitting in my mind and in my heart as amazing. Such incredible kindness and generosity was shown by all. All I can say is "thank you. I was stunned by your generosity and kindness towards my daughter"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Beautiful, beautiful....

I had the opportunity to visit Assateague Island Saturday night. I went with the family of a friend and it was an amazing time. We drove on the beach, set up for dinner, had a magnificent fire...but the highlight, the incredible highlight was the stars. An unimaginably beautiful blanket of stars stretching across the entire sky. Do you know the words "when I think of all the heavens, the moon and all the stars, I wonder what you ever saw in me" Who could look at the beauty of that sky and doubt the presence of the Creator? It was a WONDERFUL "end" to summer. I am very grateful for the evening....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Official First Day

Ok...last week was as projected. Lot's of meetings....some torturous, me, all meetings are pretty tortuous. :) The good news is that both classrooms ARE set up...(I think that's why pushing to the end with my house is doubly hard) I actually know what I'm going to teach today...always good. We had some interesting things last week....Pam and Krissy went out of their way to make our transition back into the school year pleasant. The highlight was a luncheon served by Jimmy's Grille. Now THAT is a good welcome back. It is always a physical challenge for me at the beginning of the is physically exhausting....but that's ok. Boy, I just keep getting more and more boring....anyway, time to figure out what to wear for the first day of school. (It is fun to see how excited the kids are) My prayer request??? That I remember how incredibly precious each child is....Each one is "the world" to somebody and I need to appreciate that aspect and not get bogged down by the sheer numbers of kids. Ok....That's it....time for prayer, time to get dressed and get on the road. btw...last night, I dreamed I had a flying car....what is THAT about????????????????????????????????????????????

Sunday, August 17, 2008

ah me......

Remember when you were little and it was the night before school started?? You probably had your clothes laid out, and you probably had your little notebook and little pencils ready and maybe a new lunchbox? Fastforward about 45 years or so and here we are...first day for teachers...not for kids. My clothes are NOT laid classroom is totally still stuffed in boxes, I don't have a clue about how I could "decorate" it so that it could look different, but I guess I have a tiny tinge of excitement....just a little one. Because you see, it's a blank slate right now....kind of like that new box of crayons you used to have....and teachers get to reach in that box and pull out whatever color we want and start to draw amazing designs....I think we call that teaching. Yeah, soon enough, those crayons will loose their wrappers and some will break and definately the points will wear down, but right now they are still awfully pretty. It's that hope thing...or optimism or whatever you want to call it. It's knowing that pretty soon you will see excited faces of kiddos, be the recipient of all kinds of hugs; gooey and otherwise, have to wipe some tears and shove some moms out of the door, and see little faces that are maybe a little scared, some with an attitude (how DO they get like that so young)...anyway....the start of a new year. One week of setup, hopefully the meetings will not be too deadly and then off we go. Fall is my favorite many delicious events and holidays to sing about. That's what we do best.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Grand Adventure....

A "grand adventure" is really the highest compliment I can give an activity. By defination, a grand adventure usually involves traveling somewhere, sometimes in an unusual mode of travel, there is sometime a tiny bit of fear as it often an unknown place, there is usually good company and there is always a measure of delight. An example? When I visited Carlsbad caverns by myself. Traveling to somewhere unusual, on HIGH mountains, and seeing the most incredible caverns ever. That was an extreme grand adventure. Last summer, meeting Christy in JAX and driving to Key West was a grand adventure. Tonight was a grand adventure....I was driving down rt 50 in MY CONVERTIBLE with the full moon shining after having a wonderful dinner with a good friend. Grand adventures can be found in lots of just have to be willing to recognize them. :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

NOW HEAR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY UTILITY ROOM IS FINISHED. Just in case you didn't hear me, MY UTILITY ROOM IS FINISHED. Hallelujah, hallelujah. I guess it looks pretty good...actually, next to my upstairs bathroom, it is the best looking room in my house. Says a lot for everything else, huh? I did a lousy job pounding the nails in the trim in the dining room. Very sad about that. Other than that, still working on shoveling OUT. Anybody have a backhoe I can borrow?????????????????????

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The clock is ticking.........

tick tock, tick tock....oh my goodness. 1 week until I go back to school. 3 weeks until I have a house full of guests....i think if panic could reach through the tiredness and overwhelmedness, I'd be there. no time for that....You might wonder, what is WRONG with that woman and her house???? If you look up the word packrat in the dictionary, my name is listed as a defination. Add into that my school job "stuff", my church job "stuff", my "stuff" that I KNOW will be useful somewhere, somehow, all of my music stuff, ALL of my books...let me repeat that one...ALL OF MY BOOKS...and clothing in many different sizes...WELL.....welcome to my life. Oh yes, my ANY SOLDIER care pkg stuff which just got put into it's own cupboard...(that was a happy day) EXCEPT for the Christmas anysoldier stuff....that won't fit.....and there you have it. The good news is that the secret shop stuff went to church to live there...probably until the deacons find it....ok...that's enough. Time to get off my caboose, stop whining and GET BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps....I've got a couple of extra keyboards...any takers???

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

not bad..... was a good evening. We didn't end up in jail, the newspaper, or the hospital, so you know it was good! Just kidding. A lovely time was had by all at Mama Mia....quite a few sniffles during the pre wedding scene and then things broke out into some clapping and dancing. Topped off by Kahlua milkshakes....what could be better???????????????

Monday, August 4, 2008

Getting closer..........

Well...................I know EVERYONE is holding their breath, waiting to find out how my household projects are coming!!!!! THE FLOOR IS IN THE DINING ROOM. MARY L. IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing woman. She has power tools and KNOWS how to use them. My aim today is to paint the dining room and finish up the utility room. Something isn't quite working in there and I can't put my finger on it. AND....... Is there anyone, anywhere brave enough to help me clean out my car??????????????????????

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ok, Ladies...this is it. The Mama Mia gathering will take place next Tuesday (8/5) Evening @ the 6:45 showing. You might want to get your tickets ahead of time. More details later...PUT ON YOUR DANCING SHOES AND COME ON!!!! (If you haven't seen it, be warned...there are a couple of risque scenes, but most of all it is just kind of a wonderful, make you wanna dance kind of event)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

soooooo boring!

I have decided I have an extremely boring life....though to be honest, sometimes boring is good. I really have nothing interesting to post on my blog!!! How sad is that?? The main reason is that I have been doing battle with my utility room for the past TWO WEEKS. A project I thought would take 2 days, has taken 2 weeks. I don't know what to say, except it's too bad I'm not getting paid by the hour. Actually, it's too bad I'm not getting paid at all. :) HOWEVER....the walls and ceiling are finished...I have to clean up the floor and do the trim and the doors, but I'm not too stressed about that. Then.......I know it's hard to wait for the next installment.....BUT......Mae will tackle her dining room flooring project. WHAT COULD BE MORE EXCITING THAN THAT????

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Why, you might wonder, has Mae not been posting???? BECAUSE I'M STILL DOING BATTLE WITH THAT STUPID WALLPAPER. I think I probably will hold the record for most time spent stripping the wallpaper and scraping the ceiling in one little room!!!!!!! HOWEVER.....I am happy to report, the wallpaper is OFF, and the ceiling is SCRAPED and almost all is spackled. (SP?) Anyway.....aside from Oliver licking the spackle off one section of the wall, we are getting on towards painting. WAHOO. That is another issue re: Oliver. For anyone who doesn't know, he is my one year old mutt...kind of looks like the Wizard of Oz dog, only black. He is also bad to the bone and will eat ANYTHING. He cost me some serious $$ last summer when I thought he had eaten a bottle of pills one week and then the next licked Kilz paint off an entire cabinet I had just painted. Do you know there is poison control for animals? I do. They were very helpful. I paint, Oliver has to be locked up or at least away in another room. As far as he is concerned it is just a very funny thing that I am "frosting" walls with such DELICIOUS stuff. ha........

Friday, July 18, 2008

Why, oh why does the wallpaper stick....?

why oh why does the wallpaper stick? Why won't it come off the wall?
The glue is stuck tight, it sure puts up a fight....
plus it'd be a lot easier if I was TALL!

I've put holes in the wall, it looks very bad...
Behind the water heater is a mess.....
I've worked really hard, and my hands are so tired...
I'll be glad when it's done, I CONFESS....!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So....who ARE the people reading my blog???? Sign in and be known!!! :)

Some very good news....

There is some wonderful news in the ambiguity of current life. Steve's MRI came back with NO sign of a return of the brain tumor!!!!!! THAT is a PRAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Home again....

After a week full of ups and downs (not counting the airplane rides...:) I'm home. Very mixed mother is frail and shouldn't be on her own. However, greater than her frailness is her that's about all I can say there. Shouldn't we embrace the positive in the changes that are before us???? After a VERY long day of traveling, I'm home. And I'm glad. And I'm happy to see Oliver and Sammy is "still ticking". Amazing.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Life is full of changes...some we expect, some we don't. As I visit with my folks in Michigan, I see changes in the making. My dad is doing sort of ok in his assisted living home, my mom is sort of managing being on her niece and nephew in law face huge unknowns as he battles brain cancer. I wish I had something profound to say about all of this but I don't. What just came to mind was "in all things, give thanks" I have tried to share that with my mom...that as difficult as their situation is, it is not unexpected and they have soooo many advantages that many other 87 and 89 year olds simply don't have. We did take my dad out today....his first time in many weeks. We went out to a coney island hotdog place and they had a grand time. They acted like they were out on a date. Very cute. So, it was a good day there. I had planned to go stay at my nieces' today to help her, but her husbands' tests were all moved up and they had to go yesterday. I'm not sure how to give thanks for their situation...I'm just being honest, folks. I can give thanks for good doctors and for the family that is helping them, but the rest is so hard. So, if you are a praying person, please lift Lindsay and Steve Lindsay said, they need all the help they can get. Thanks..............

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Different Kind of Fireworks......!

Last night, I had dinner with some friends at Fager's Island. If you know Fager's, you know they play the 1812 Overture as the sun sets....well....there was no sun to be seen....all overcast and cloudy, but the 1812 was played with great fervor anyway. Gotta love those cannons! THEN....we were able to see most of a fireworks display a little ways down which was fun, BUT then the real show started....God unleashed a fireworks of his own with grand thunder and huge lightening. In Fagers, there are a lot of windows....the side room is almost like a sunroom with windows on the top and the side, and we were right next to that....Well, the lightening flashed and the thunder boomed and the rain pounded. I LOVED IT. An unexpected treat...combined with good friends and just about laughing myself sick at the silliness, it was a wonderful evening. KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Key Verse.....?

I Peter 4:11b, "If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
Isn't this really what it should all be about? Isn't this why we are given gifts and skills? Isn't this the key to who we are in Christ? Now, the interesting part of that is not that the scripture reads, "If anyone serves as a pastor" or "If anyone is paid staff at a church". It says "If anyone serves" and then the absolute key...."he should do it with the strength God provides" do we get the strength God provides?? I guess we could wait 'till we are zapped with a lightening bolt...might happen....with God anything is possible, of course. But within that scripture, a huge responsibility is laid out for us. That responsibility is to access that strength through the reading and hearing of the Word and of prayer. Lots and lots of prayer. God has enlisted us in his ARMY....are we content with sitting on our cabooses or are we ready and willing to act using the strength HE provides? I challenge each and every person reading this posting today.....Are you reading God's word daily??? Are you spending MORE than nominal time in prayer? Let's keep journals this week...journals of what we read and how we pray, thanking God for the strength He has for each of us. Strength to serve which will glorify Jesus Christ. Let's be honest with ourselves and with God. Let us prepare ourselves to serve in ways we never imagined possible. Let us not even THINK of trying to do this on our own strength, but turn to God for HIS strength. Are YOU willing?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stars and Stripes Forever!!!

I thought this was appropriate for the 4th of July.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can you spell...........C-O-N-D-O??????????

Whew...after a day of ripping up nasty, disgusting, filthy carpet and trying to pry the tack board up, a condo is looking pretty good. No yard to insane things growing in my scraggly insanity of repairs that I have no idea of how to make. Sounds pretty good....then, I look out the window and see the back, or I think of how incredibly wonderful it is to have space and not have neighbors right on top of my place...well...then I wonder. So...I don't know. I just know, I'm TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

But wait....there is MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There was even more to my trip! I did get to spend almost a week with Christy, Jenny and Josh in JAX. The Savannah trip was just a couple of days of that visit. One of my favorite things was going to the pool on base...that is where the picture of those two bathing beauties was taken. We also explored the wonderful world of knitting on circular needles...I achieved a simple victory by actually finishing a little hat! I'm not sure how many hats a FLA baby is going to need, but I guess we will find out as Christy and Josh have a baby due in December! I got to go to their drs. appt and see my "grandbaby in progress"! Such amazing changes in prenatal care. One last special event was to have breakfast with Christy's friend, Chelsea who is a pilot. This was also a wonderful event....I have known Chelsea since she was a "youngster" at the academy. She is a wonderful young woman. Wasn't this a great trip?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beautiful Savannah....

After 25 years, I finally got to return to Savannah. I lived there in the late 70's/early 80's when I played with the Savannah Symphony. Christy and I got to share a "blast from the past" by visiting some of the places I used to frequent. I was so pleased...we drove into town and I knew exactly where to go. Within minutes, we were at Mrs. Wilkes' Boarding House for lunch! If you aren't familar with Mrs. Wilkes', it is southern cooking personified. Oh my, some of the tastes almost brought tears to my eyes...yes, because it was that good, but because it was a taste that I hadn't experienced since I left Savannah. We drove over to Whitfield Sq. and visited the gazebo where Christy's father and I were married. Nothing looks any different there at all. What did look different was the house where I used to live on Gaston St. It was all grown over and looked kind of unlived in. I took Christy through the back alley to see the courtyard and it was like a fortress had been built there. Very bizarre. We had a wonderful room at the Hyatt on the riverfront which i purchased for an EXCEPTIONAL price on priceline....we walked the riverfront, ate at the Pirate's House and then to top the day off, took a twilight carriage ride through the city. The next day we had some time for shopping and then a visit to the Civil Rights museum. It was a wonderful time.

Sunny days in FLA!

Two beautiful girls....maybe we could break into a chorus of "Sisters, sisters..."
What a wonderful thing to see these two together.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Wow...packing up one classroom is one thing, packing up two is something else entirely. But it is finished. Finally. Hooray. Hallelujah. Ta Da.....etc. etc. etc. AMEN!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jam Packed Worship!

Yesterday was one of the best worship experiences we've had for awhile. It was jam packed with special events and each one seemed designed to go with the others. Admittedly, I was about ready to throw up by the time the service began because there was much chaos in the planning or lack there of by certain know, it was probably more of a lack of communication than planning...however, the results were the same...but once things started, it was grand. The choir sounded beautiful, Jimmy did a great job with praise, we had a commissioning service for our mission's team and then a baptism. I so appreciated what the minister had to say prior to the baptism...his words about Lydia were perfect. I am a firm believer in if an elephant is in the room, introduce him, and he a loving, honest, supportive way. His sermon about the prodigal was very good. After the main service, we had the meeting and then the dedication of the farmhouse addition...THEN a lunch! WOW....I was busy running around offering key tabs for donations for the mission's team and missed the food. friend showed up unexpectedly and off we went to lunch. The best of everything. A grand Sunday.

Incredible weekend....

I think I have now seen the most perfect hideaway on the entire eastern shore. One of the teachers at Primary, hosted our end of the year party at her parent's cottage on the Nanticoke. It was a magnificent setting, with fantastic food and wonderful people. A breeze kept things cool, jello shooters kept things bouncing and the roost's fried chicken kept things tasty. Crabs and shrimp for the non-allergic (not me), tons of tasty side dishes and desserts AND a dandy boat ride. The sunset was beautiful and I have to say I can't remember when I had a nicer time. THANKS!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Anysoldier update...

Have you ever gotten a letter from far away that didn't even need a stamp?? Military stationed in a "war zone" can send letters for free! They just write "free mail" where the stamp goes and it starts it's journey across the sea. The first time I got one of these letters, I just stared at had come such a long way! Anyway, I got one of those very special letters and it absolutely made my day. I had sent some greeting cards (for the troops to send to families) and a DVD that my kids at school had put together. I am always seriously touched when someone who is in such a difficult position takes time to write to ME and thanks ME for what I've done. I think they've got it just a bit backwards! This very kind LTC told me that we had brightened their days and that I was to tell the kids their production beat Radio City Music Hall any day. How sweet was that? God bless them and protect them.......

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hooray for Hollywood...

Westside style....Monday evening was the 5th grade promotion celebration at my school. This is not something I'd usually write about as I was not all that pleased to be there...not that I have anything against 5th graders being promoted...I just hate giving up an evening!!! Anyway..I was sitting up on the stage where I had a birdseye view of the kids as they came through the curtain after hearing their name and their awards read. Most of the kids looked happy..some kind of embarassed....some were dressed to the 9's....some were dressed very kid appropriate, some were...well, maybe not so appropriate. But one child in particular struck me....she came out on stage, kind of gangly, braces, not a "looker" by the traditional teenybopper oh my...the look on her face brought me to tears. It had everything combined into one look... She was a combination of innocence, trust, excitement and hope all rolled into one. Her look at that moment was the personification of all that is good in a 5th grade child. It was a look and a moment I will long remember. Definately made it worth giving up an evening.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Amazing Grace....

I know there is a book title called, "What's so amazing about grace?" or something along those lines. Well....without grace, basically we're screwed. To live without experiencing the grace God gave us and then being able to pass it along...well, I think that is about the only thing that makes life bearable. Just some live without grace, both received and given, is not to live. Or it is to live consumed by bitterness.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Drum roll please..........................

We are pleased to announce that my wonderful son is an official college grad. HOORAY for him. He stuck with it. He took care of his own finances. He worked while he was in school. I am EXTREMELY proud of him and I wish him all the best in his job searches!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Matchmaker, matchmaker...

Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match
Find me a find, catch me a catch....

That's how the song goes and.....ta dum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My best and ONLY attempt at matchmaking has resulted in a wonderful, happily engaged young couple. I am SOOOOOOOOOO pleased for David and Alyssa. I think the world of both of them and I wish them all the happiness in the world. Hmmmmm....maybe I should consider a new career!!!!!

Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2008

O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee,
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.

Thank you to all who have served and who do serve. God bless you.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Puzzled Pooch!

I saw my crazy dog, Oliver, totally bemused this evening. I was watching a tv show about WCBOE awards and they had a spot about me and my music teacher award. They showed me in my classroom, singing and playing the guitar. Well, Oliver heard that and seemed to be greatly perplexed. He looked at the TV and watched and listened and just seemed somewhat transfixed that I was able to fit into that little box. I guess you kind of had to be there, but it really made me laugh.....(Some days, it doesn't take much!)

Monday, May 19, 2008

One of my favorite things....

This is one of my favorite things....supporting the troops is kind of a passion I guess, but I have gotten so much more back than I could ever give. I'm not talking about tangible stuff, though I have gotten a couple of pretty cool t-shirts. Two of my groups did give me an incredible honor by sending me a flag from their duty in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. When I received those packages, I looked at the mailing label and thought about the hands that took it to the post office so incredibly far away. I thought about the different stars that they see at night, and the length of time they have been away from their families, and the danger they have been in. I thought about how we will probably never, ever meet...but yet we've had this bond. That feels really good. So...if you feel inclined to help out, check out that link. All sorts of folks to choose from...every branch of service. I promise you will get much more than you give.....

The blog that no one knows....

If someone blogs and no one reads it, are the words really there?? ha ha. No one knows i even have this blog yet, so putting something on it is really pretty silly...but the whole blogging concept is pretty silly anyway so it works for me.

My 3 amazing children...all stepping out into life in different ways. I don't think modeling will be one of them.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I don't know this doggie, but I love the pic...kind of a little one taking on all comers....a good attitude to have at times.

If Cindy can do this, so can I!

Since blogging seems to be the way, I guess it is time to jump on board. It is a rainy, Sunday and the perfect time to start this...Since I don't have a clue how this works, we'll just settle for this for now. More later.....