I'm just sitting here by myself thinking about the difference 1 week can make. Last Sunday, everything was a great bustle about time, getting ready for Christy's baby shower. My mom was here, Christy and Jenn were here...we had been working on the house, I was nervous if the food I had made would taste good and I was concerned about people having a good time. Well, no worries were needed...it went beautifully and in the midst of the busyness, I had some moments when I looked at the incredible women present. Women from all different situations....many of them mothers themselves...all coming together to help this young woman, my daughter, prepare for her baby. It is still sitting in my mind and in my heart as amazing. Such incredible kindness and generosity was shown by all. All I can say is "thank you. I was stunned by your generosity and kindness towards my daughter"