Monday, March 30, 2009

Interesting stuff...

I know, I's been awhile. Life has been BUSY! Mostly good stuff, but busy. So, what is taking up all the time?, and looking at pictures of my grandson, and directing my wonderful choir and directing a grand wedding and...working on my website. Yes, it's true. After about 1000 years, I'm finally getting all of my plays and scripts and musicals together in one place and offering them AND custom written shows for sale! It is not quite ready for prime time yet, but I've learned a tremendous amount in the past 3+ weeks. Some wonderful help from my knowledgeable friend, Karen...and I'm getting closer. I will announce it's launch date as soon as I know it! Other than that, not much is new! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More baby....

I think he has already learned the art of pondering!!!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Sweetie pie....

Flirting with mommy....

She IS a funny mommy....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mission "Possible"

We had an amazing time with Missions at our conference this past weekend. I am in awe of how that committee functions and just puts together an absolutely wonderful program. I am still feeling uplifted from the whole thing. THANKS YOU GUYS!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Variety Show...

My good friend, riverrat asked me how many kids were in the variety show...I THINK about 90...there were 26+ acts. It was more than a notion.We had singers and dancers and joke tellers and stilt walkers and flippers and guitar players and piano players and cheer leaders and jump ropers and hand walkers and poem mention a few. NOT to ignore...the amazing, wonderful version of Dancing Queen...done by some amazing Westside teachers. It was something else. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I know, I know.....

I know, it's been a long time. Last week, I ALMOST posted my "no show snow" ...good thing I didn't! It was enjoyable to have the snow and I got to wear my boots!!!!! I find a good snow very refreshing and there is NOTHING better than being cozy in the house, drinking coffee and listening to the snow blow and watching it swirl. Good stuff. The couple of days off from school were very much appreciated as well. Last week was the variety/talent show at school. I had the dubious honor of being in me, dubious doesn't even begin to sum it up. But, we survived. I enjoyed decorating the stage and Friday evening, right after school, about 6 teachers descended and helped finish things up. Boy, do I appreciate those very tall teachers!!!! They can take care of things, I literally need a ladder for.... The kids did a fine job. I was tired, but relieved.