Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Taxes??? We don't pay no stinkin' taxes!!!!!!!!

Or so sayeth many of the leaders of our country. Just a thought.....if these 3 have been nominated and caught, how many more have NOT been nominated and have NOT been caught? They want to work on erasing the deficit???? Maybe they should do a little inspection of all congressmen and senators and see how their tax bills are holding up. Could be a goodly chunk of change based on these last few. I am thinking that the folks of "middle America" are starting to get really fed up about now. Breaks for everybody, but for those who have been plodding along, following the rules, doing what is "right". Where are our breaks?? Where are our bailouts??? Where is MY trip to somewhere exotic on somebody else's nickel???? Is there a new tax law that I missed?? Is it true we can just write "sorry" on a blank piece of paper and send that in instead of taxes owed??????? I'm getting a little tired of this. Anybody else feel the same way??????????


Andy and Nancy said...

Absolutely 100% agree. Check out Kate Huntington's blog. If you don't know the link, check my blog.

Anonymous said...


Sue said...

Exactly my thoughts. Makes me so mad. If I made these "mistakes," I'd be in jail. And how do we teach kids integrity when our leaders have none??? UGH. Yes, pray, pray, pray.