Tuesday, August 18, 2009

8/18 MY FAULT??????

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm watching Good Morning, America and I see that stocks dropped dramatically yesterday due to a drop in consumer spending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE WHAT I'VE DONE???????????????????????????????? The whole economy rests on my shoulders.....mae institutes a money moratorium and stocks take a hit. STAN....I'M SORRY!!!!!! ha ha ha ha......Gosh...maybe I should apply for a bailout from the president....after all, if I have such a dramatic impact on the economy, maybe he'd like to bail me out too. HA...don't think so.....:) here is a little thought for the morning....there is a wonderful freedom in NOT spending. wonderful.


faith said...

It is exciting not to spend. :) And I want to see a picture of all this yarn.

Anonymous said...

Stools look great, cupboard looks great, and this blog is MAGNIFICENT!
You keep me rolling in laughter(cuz the subject hits close to home with me an assorted folks who live here) and it is VERY encouraging!
I have a couple of craft boxes. They are organized BUT I DON'T do crafts now that the kids are out of elementary school. But it is handy to have those pipe cleaners to ream the spiders out of the gas line on the grill and today I used flower picks to hold my baby spider plants into there new pots:-)

I do wonder why I have a wrapping paper box? I never buy any gifts till the last minute which means I am purchasing wrapping paper at the store and wrapping in my car before I get to the event:-) (Tape and scissors are kept in there for this very purpose)