Friday, August 21, 2009

i appreciate it, but....

You guys are being so kind with your comments and I hate to disapoint you, but I don't think YOU will be able to see a lot of the changes yet. For starters...a lot of them are in "off limits" areas....and that is my more stash and dash....I suppose if you were able to WEIGH my house, you'd see a difference....:) I just took another 6 bags out to the trash but other than that, it would be kind of hard to see.
ANYWAY....I really, really, really wanted to go shopping today...I do have to go to the grocery store, but I'm going with a list, but I wanted to go to Ollies' or go to goodwill to look for new secret shop stuff, but I didn't. I just have to be satisfied with the "goods" I found in Matt's room. Some pretty neat stuff too, I might add. Anybody need a 4 ft tall snowman?????? many sets of sheets do you all keep? Like per bed.....and extras etc. Inquiring minds want to know. See, sometimes when Christy was at the Naval Academy, people would just be here and spend the night. I think the most was 6 or 7 at one time. (Besdies my own family) And of course, I would buy extra sets of sheets and maybe blankets because I either couldn't find matched sets or I would think they were too nasty or I just couldn't find them...period. So, I seem to have an odd assortment of a lot of extra sheets. Not sure how many is reasonable to have.


Anna P said...

Personally, I keep one set on my bed and I have an extra per bed. Granted, I only have one bed in my total of two rooms but I think I'd keep this mindset if and when I expand to having more then one bed. Also, depending on the number of beds you have, I would say you wouldn't need any more then that because if you had five beds that meant five extras and plenty for guests if needed. So, yeah, now you've entered the brain for Anna for a moment. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anna;except when you have small puke-prone children, then keep two extra sets.

Anonymous said...

Words that I DO NOT think of when I think of Mae-"Invisible" and B****.
Maybe,says what she thinks- like Marilla's friend, Jenny Lynn, in Anne of Green Gables, "Well, Marilla, you know I like to say what's on my mind...":-)

I'm really finding this fascinating. Would like to come observe this treasure trove of goodies being unearthed.

My soul mate is at this moment up in NY at his mother's going through his old dresser drawers.What has he found: HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE that we have looked for for 20 years! (Mind you, we have been through this dresser before) An "I Hate Cats" calendar that I had given him in 1983(Mute now-he loves cats),a pink garter(I wore blue), a picture of him in 6th grade that he says is awful(bring it-my MIL never gave me any childhood pics), an acceptance into U of Buf. Med school that changed our lives, and a grade report with some above average(but not perfect) grades.

Be encouraged, Friend,when we went through these drawers before we took out 3 black garbage bags fromhis room of trash, took it to the road for the garbage men, and my MIL dragged every bag back in so she could rifle through looking for anything valuable!!!!!!

Andy and Nancy said...

I have 4 sets for our bed and rotate them. They were wedding presents and also sheets from our apartment in Alexandria. I have another set for the guest room bed and can always use one of our sets for the sofa bed in the living room.

You're obviously making some progress so keep going! Sounds like the urge to shop is as strong as the urge to eat or make brosnies is for me sometimes!

Robin's Developments said...

Keep on keepin' on my friend! You can do it. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13 Love you!

grey rose (they/them) said...

ok, so i'm caught up on your blog and ....WAY TO GO MAE MAE!!

so proud of you! press the heck on!! love you! xoxox