Sunday, August 16, 2009


You guys are going to get soooo sick of reading this baloney. Anyway....I completed a project. Cost $0 Effect? It's ok...I'm satisfied with it. So....two ugly stools are turned into 2 pretty ok looking stools. In case you are confused...the ones on the top are the finished product...the ones on the bottom are the "before". I "found" everything I needed in the house. In fact I had THREE different fabrics to choose from for the new covers...all located in my kitchen. WHO KEEPS EXTRA FABRICS IN THEIR KITCHEN?????? Apparently, I do. Found the staple gun and the staples. Got it done. Perfect? Nope. Better? Yup. It's good to be able to say I actually found the stuff and did it. You know, I think I know why I had 3 fabrics in my kitchen...I have a feeling I bought fabric 3 different times for the same project, never taking the actual steps needed to complete it. Well...I did today. 1 tiny step for Mae.


sixfranks said...

They look beautiful! Great job!

cindy said...

nice stool covers! I haven't been checking blogs for a while--or adding to mine--but when I have more time and am awake--I'm going to see all I missed on yours--it looks very interesting! I am proud of you!

Andy and Nancy said...

Cool fabric!