Saturday, September 5, 2009

saturday, the 5th?

well...I've already run into a couple of challenges. How many months has it been since Jenny has been home???? A LOT. However, she just found out she is moving to Maine for a few months on Monday and will be coming by today with a friend....and "lets have lunch or dinner". She's broke and I'm currently not spending.....(a polite way of saying broke as far as disposable income). So...what to do.....I want to have a nice meal for, I guess I will use whatever I have and need to use from here and then just see how it shakes down later in the week. AND....I don't think it is cheating to use a gift card, do you? Because I'm supposed to take dessert to a friend's house tonight....more decisions...HOWEVER....I do have a coldstone giftcard....that would be ok to use that I much icky stuff to do today.....blah. BUT...I have the health, capability and tools to do it, so I will focus on that and there you go. big sigh.

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