Sunday, April 25, 2010


Why has it been so long since I have posted?? A good question, since I have so much to say...but I think that is part of the reason. It was just too much to tell about. God's provisions have been astounding. Basically that is the only way to put it...astounding. From a little check that arrived right on time...especially when I had forgotten I was getting it, to a totally free replacement piano, to my mortgage company calling ME to lower my rate (and yes, it happened), to a wonderfully lost credit card, to friends who have helped with a repair on my lawn mower. These things make me want to literally dance for joy. I feel 1000% more free and honest than I have felt in years and years and years. Self respect is growing too. Last year, I had someone cut my lawn...I really couldn't afford it...she did do a nice job...I was always late paying her....and it added to the justifiably crummy opinion I had of myself. This year, so far....I am cutting the lawn and doing the outside work. OH....don't forget, the two wonderful men from church who came over and got rid of all kinds of brush and insanity that had been growing everywhere, but the other stuff I have been doing and I feel a sense of pride. Not bragging pride....just feeling like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. Are my battles won?? NO....Much to do in the house and as I have said before, the debt will probably take 2 years to whittle down. I'm ok with that. I'm happy. I'm trying to live honestly and not shirk what I'm supposed to be doing anymore. It is a good feeling. Thank you Lord...for all of the friends you have given me and all the ways you have made Yourself known to me.

1 comment:

Andy and Nancy said...

You put a smile on my face.