Friday, January 23, 2009


Am I understanding this right? Some of the top priorities of the first days of our new president have been to take some of the restrictions off abortion funding and to begin the release of political detainees from Gitmo? Hmmmmm.....wonder what will be next??? Why should allowing easier access to kill the unborn be such a predominant topic that it had to be near the top of his list of "changes"? I am deeply grieved. I don't know enough about stem cell research to comment on that, but if he is talking about stem cells from embryos well then, that just makes it even better, doesn't it. A double whammy. And the detainees??? Well....I guess all of our CIA folks and their cohorts are PROBABLY just a bunch of bullies who get their jollies from being unkind to poor, misguided terrorist types. Let's let them all you think we will be providing them with transportation to Pakistan and Africa so they can hook up with their buddies more easily. You know, I don't agree with a lot of President Bush's thinking, but he is right about one thing...there has not been a terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11. Is that a co-incidence? Or perhaps, just maybe....some of the work at Gitmo has been necessary. I abhor the thought of torture/water boarding etc. I totally admire John McCain who having BEEN tortured by the VietCong decries torture by Americans....but I don't see that detaining these folks qualifies as torture. I know, I know...there are talks of waterboarding etc. When I look at the pros and cons of that, I don't know what to say. I'd like to think I was strong enough to go along with John McCain's viewpoint, but honestly if an American city was at stake...well...I'm not sure that would hold up for me. So...these are just some of my ramblings....but everytime my home page opens to yahoo news and I see another new thing that President Obama has instigated or done away with or's really difficult. has only been 4 days.

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