Monday, August 31, 2009


No, I did NOT spend $120 on an outfit for Logan. That would be insane, even for me. His outfit was actually $10. That meant $110 was spent on the other 2 presents combined.

the list...

one watch $7.99
1 shower present, 1 housewarming present, 1 outfit for Logan $120
4 cokes at school $5
2 gift bags $2
1 book of stamps (I'm not sure about $8.40)
$10 on markers, paper, etc. (didn't really need them...just couldn't resist)
$10 on yarn in Michigan
$2.50 ice cream cone. yum

I'm not sure, but I think that is pretty close to it. The next step for me is to break down the bill spending/grocery spending/gasoline spending. The think that is really interesting to me is that I probably never really plan for present spending, yet I am very fond of buying presents...probably too fond. So.....I obviously need to budget for that. This month was high, but some months will be like I need to be ready. Other than that I am very ...well, I don't know what i am...I just am glad I am doing this. This now completes my first month of the money moratorium. What is that saying??????? Oh yeah...."press on" and I will.

day 31

I LOVE THE COOLER WEATHER...with that said, here is my take on the past month of the money moratorium. There was a line in the Christmas Play that I wrote last year when the angel asked the "kid" to name every single item she had gotten for the previous Christmas. "Every single one...GO" Well, the child couldn't do it because there were too many things to remember and they just weren't that important. Well...that is how the money moratorium has hit me, with the exception of an itemized grocery list, I probably COULD for the first time in my life, list everything that I spent money on this past month. It is not a long list, which was the idea. It is a very short list...and I could probably list the money spent as well. I'm not sure that you can appreciate the enormity of this for me. Right now, I need to get ready for school...first day, you know....but I just may post that list later. gotta go...............

Sunday, August 30, 2009

day 30

nothing much to say today.... I did have to get a watch...not really an option on that one. Looked around the house, couldn't find one. Got a delightful one at Kmart for under $10. suits me just fine. we'll see how long it lasts. tomorrow, first day with kids at school. i'm already tired....but it's ok...i only have 10 classes to teach tomorrow. I can knock that out in my sleep.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

and furthermore...

i can now see that I need to come up with new ways of entertaining myself....I apparently have used shopping and buying as entertainment. Hrmmmph....interesting to understand that. I was bored today and what did I want to do??? Ollies' was calling my name....Other places seemed inticing. But I didn't go.....nope didn't do it. Somehow, I don't think my activity of the day should be the replacement though. I slept and slept and slept some more. I don't know WHAT was up with that...but that's the truth. Did a few things, then slept. Did a few more, then slept. Ridiculous. Guess it always takes me a while to build up my stamina....who knows.

battle of the 29

ok...this is important...I'm not 100% against spending....I mean I have had a couple of situations where I truly needed to make a shower present I purchased & the housewarming present. Sometimes, it is ok to draw upon what one has at home, at other times, well....this is not about being is about being reasonable and planned with what is spent. NOW....the main rule as I see it, I have something that I can use (for me or my house) without buying new? In the case of clothing, yes, yes, 100% yes. Jewelry...well, that is a little sketchy...I lose a LOT of earrings. Anyway...all that is neither here nor there. The issue for the day is my watch. My beloved, sparkly, looks like diamonds and pearls and cost $4.99 watch. I'm serious....$4.99. I've worn that watch for 2 years....well wasn't exactly that was 4 of it's look alikes...for $4.99 I bought several. I loved that was kind of my trademark at school. And the last one broke yesterday. VERY SAD. So...what to do.......well, I think watches are important....they have to be readable for those of us with 55 year old eyes...they have to be comfortable for those of us who play a lot of guitar and conduct....I could go out looking today...and I may actually have to...but instead, i will look first in my house...and see if MAYBE there isn't something I had forgotten about or maybe just something. I know you probably cannot believe I am writing about this, but it is important. I have to look within, FIRST. Ok...more later.

Friday, August 28, 2009

friday night day??28th is that right???

Well, it has been interesting so far. Had a good evening with some funny friends who came over to help shred papers. It was fun to chat, and munch, and sip and shred!!! How very nice to have such great friends. I hope tomorrow truly is rainy because I want to stay home and work on my room. I am physically very tired from set up at school. YOu have to understand, I'm doing the same thing there that I am here. God BLESS the custodians at the Intermediate school. I bet they were ready to KILL me yesterday....even if that meant they'd have to clean up afterward. I had one of those monster rolling trash cans overflowing, the huge recycle can, half filled, and 3 more heavy duty trash bags plus a stack of flattened boxes....all out in the hall to be thrown out. I'm surprised they didn't throw me out. BUt, bless them, they took care of it all. I want to do something nice for them....I have to ponder that. It is time for BED. BTW...still doing well on the spending....not perfectly, but pretty close. thats all, folks!


shredders and house, 7pm. Boy, it was a long week at school. It will be fun to unwind a bit...and maybe we can tear up telephone books when we are done. ha ha. dogs, including the new little a headstart on the family room floor is covered at the moment. They did a fine job....what a mess. It may or may not get cleaned up before you get here. :( Oh yeah....she tore up some of my front hall tiles too. Anybody looking for a puppy?????

Thursday, August 27, 2009

sooooooooooo very tired tonight...

it's's the scoop...if you are planning to come to sip and shred tomorrow (Friday)can you shoot me an email or comment on here or on facebook...thanks!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

day 26

hrrruuumph....i don't like this money moratorium anymore. It is making me TIRED out. WHy????? Because it makes things harder. Do I feel like making my lunch in the morning??? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I want to stop for a coffee after school before working out???? YES, I DID WANT TO GET COFFEE, BUT I DIDN'T......did i have to get stupid gas on my way to school this morning and I couldn't get a coffee too???? CORRECT. THis is breaking all of my previous rules...1st was monday. It was a rainy day, right?? EVERYBODY knows about the "It's a rainy day so it's fine to buy a coffee on the way to work" rule, don't they???? I mean, it's very obvious. AND THEN....there was the tuesday rule...."I HAVE TO TAKE COFFEE BECAUSE I HAVE TO SIT THROUGH 7 HOURS OF MEETINGS" I don't think I even have to explain that one. And then there was "It's a total pain to have to stop and get gas, so a cup of coffee will make it all better" rule that I had to break today. 3 very important coffee rules...ALL OF WHICH HAD TO BE IGNORED BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID MONEY MORATORIUM. was the, "NO time to eat inbetween school, a meeting at salvation army, shopping for a shower present, goint to a mission's meeting and a bridal shower" Don't we think it really would have been just dandy to stop for a quick bite from Wendy's or SOMEWHERE????????????????????????????? Well, I didn't. After all, there is a money moratorium, I ate 3 soggy graham crackers at church. (plus a piece of cake...:) poor, poor, POOR me. You want to know what else is harder????? School is harder. My room is UGLY and I want some perky things to perk it up. I want to go to Hancocks and buy fabric and ric rack.....but oh no......there is a money moratorium on, so I have to figure something else out. If I'm this grumpy BEFORE school starts, I think you better just plan on skipping reading next weeks' blogs entirely. OK...a couple of clarifications needed...Yes, the money moratorium is on...however, I still bought a shower present. I still did a lunch out with two teachers in between the stupid meetings. Since I'm the mentor of one and just a "respected older teacher" to the other, it was business. might think I'm welching, but I'm not. You have NO idea of all the money I haven't spent. I'm going to bed. Sleep is FREE.

Monday, August 24, 2009

goodies galore...

never fear...goodies are here. I've got it COVERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) It will be a potpourri of amazing tidbits.....

day 24....

first things first...we are officially having the sip it and shred it party this FRIDAY at 7pm. Bring your shredder or just bring yourself. Either way is fine. I'll provide the goodies.

Next....this was just a grit your teeth kind of day. Setting up my classroom is an effort in much much of it isn't even much of it is. I "set up" I find myself thinking...." I NEED to buy some velcro strips, I NEED to buy a new storage container, I NEED to buy a curtain, I need to...I need to....I need to......... Nope. Not gonna do it. Gotta figure out a different way. But you see, this is another crack in the dam.....I have spent thousands of dollars of stuff for school over the years, so now, that crack needs to be plugged up. More chances to be creative. :(

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I LIKE IT. Nancy came up with a great title!!! Hear ye, Hear ye....let's schedule a sipping and shredding party....question....shall we go for next friday evening????? OR next saturday morning???? I'm serious...I'm doing this!!!!!!!!!!! Even if you don't have a shredder...come...!!!! Let me know which would work better and if it's friday, do you want to bring spouses, or what....I'm totally flexible.....

small accomplishment....

2 good sized boxes of clothing to the salvation army. After I got finished in Matt's room yesterday, I thought...maybe....just maybe this really is possible. You know, self bashing can kind of slow you down...understatement....I think my motto will be..."Press On!!!!" I like that. OH...I think I'm going to have a shredding party. What IS a shredding party you might ask??? It is a party where you bring your shredder and help me shred papers. I have TUBS of papers that NEED TO GO. I tried burning a bunch once. THat worked pretty well...but I think drinking coffee and tea and having treats whilst shredding would be more fun.!!!!! I have a shredder...anybody else????????

What;s today??? ah yes, the 22nd...I think.

Ok....22 days into the money moratorium. Some thoughts: As I can be a bit obsessive, not being perfect with this gives me some displeasure. HOWEVER.....I am forcing myself to be realistic. I have seen a huge change in "spending for entertainment" purchases....or "satisfying boredom" purchases...or "I'm out and about and I'm hungry purchases"...or, ' know i would feel better about myself if I had a new outfit" purchases....OR "I can't find anything, so i need to buy a new one" purchases. So...I would say, I feel like this first step is excellent and I will keep on. I am trying to make some mental changes as I prepare for school. The biggest problem is...(Don't laugh) they now have coke machines instead of pepsi. I hate pepsi....I love coke. I LOVE coke. I probably owe at least 40lbs to the ingestion of coke over the years. Please note..I DO MEAN COCA COLA not the other kind of coke. I don't want rumors started. NOW...this may be a silly thing to you, but to me, coke is comforting. I DO NOT need the calories and I don't want to spend the money. (You people must think I am CRAZY to share all of this....) will be a bit of a battle....don't have a battle plan yet. I was UPSET when I got up this morning and walked into the hallway, because I could hardly walk through it..>THEN...I realized it was already bagged up JUNK...ready to go out the door!!!!!!!!!!! Happy days.....have to go......more later....Love you all, btw.

Friday, August 21, 2009

i appreciate it, but....

You guys are being so kind with your comments and I hate to disapoint you, but I don't think YOU will be able to see a lot of the changes yet. For starters...a lot of them are in "off limits" areas....and that is my more stash and dash....I suppose if you were able to WEIGH my house, you'd see a difference....:) I just took another 6 bags out to the trash but other than that, it would be kind of hard to see.
ANYWAY....I really, really, really wanted to go shopping today...I do have to go to the grocery store, but I'm going with a list, but I wanted to go to Ollies' or go to goodwill to look for new secret shop stuff, but I didn't. I just have to be satisfied with the "goods" I found in Matt's room. Some pretty neat stuff too, I might add. Anybody need a 4 ft tall snowman?????? many sets of sheets do you all keep? Like per bed.....and extras etc. Inquiring minds want to know. See, sometimes when Christy was at the Naval Academy, people would just be here and spend the night. I think the most was 6 or 7 at one time. (Besdies my own family) And of course, I would buy extra sets of sheets and maybe blankets because I either couldn't find matched sets or I would think they were too nasty or I just couldn't find them...period. So, I seem to have an odd assortment of a lot of extra sheets. Not sure how many is reasonable to have.


found a string of pearls. My good string of pearls. I can't even imagine how or why they are there.

more treasures... about a brand new coldwater creek blouse...still with tags...too small of course...and then there is a scrolling saw. I don't even know what a scrolling saw is....and I'm pretty sure I didn't buy this one, so it's presence there is a mystery. Kevin G....are you missing a scrolling saw???????? Two brand new dress shirts and ties for Matt...still in packages...what looks like a brand new Geoffrey Beane winter coat...not sure who that belongs to....mmmmm...lets see.....the usual pictures and stuff...that's all ok....a brand new "clue" game....I think ebay or the secret shop will be doing well pretty soon. what else was exciting and unique???? a bottle of russian vodka...unopened I might add....a kid size sleeping bag...about 6 white blouses for me....all pretty much the same style. One nice outfit that I can probably wear when school starts. As I'm writing this, I hear noises from upstairs. Both dogs are here with me and I have no idea what that could be. Please don't let it be a creature either 4 legged or slithery. I can't deal...or with wings....none of the above, please. Please just let it be shifting bags of trash....please??????????

8/21 2nd post Mixed Bag...

I mean that literally and figuratively...I was working in Matt's room today which has basically been the dumping ground for everything for a long time. You know, some people spend thousands of dollars to go scuba diving to look for treasure...some go panning for gold....some follow old treasure maps. Phooey. I have them all beat. All I have to do is go into one of several rooms in my house and the hunt is ON. You know, the discovery channel is truly missing a bet to not be in on this. Some of the "treasures" i found this morning, include: a four ft tall snowman wearing a jester hat, 3 hammers...not one, not 2, but three. Old dog poop....a little reminder from the now deceased Sam, a whole tub full of brand new christmas items that I must have bought to send to any soldier...other various brand new gifts...i won't have to worry about christmas shopping for my children this year. I can just give them all the presents they never used from past years...a tad frustrating. I found some brand new hand towels...very nice...a myriad of sheets and many is one supposed to keep???????? Several christmas stockings, a drill and various other "bits and piecets" (that's a joke...get it????) bits??? drill bits?????????? And you know what else???? That was all within the first 5 feet of the door...oh yes, how could I forget this??? 5 bags of already bagged trash. Silly me, I thought trash would have gone OUTSIDE to the trashcan...not inside to Matt's room. Well, I am going back in. If you don't hear from me...send help.

8/21 R-E-S-P-E-C-T

The issue of respect...self popping least in my head. Not a lot to discuss, it's just that despite issues like the kid issue of yesterday, well...i feel like my self respect is a tiny bit improved. Being IN CONTROL is much more conducive to self respect than being out of control with spending etc. With all of that being is the latest on the house etc. BTW., the spending moratorium is doing well...anyway, I have my bedroom pretty much torn remember the "if you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig"...well..... how about if you put lipstick on a puppy dog? about if the puppy dog puts lipstick on herself??????? A whole lot of herself. Yes, I was busy sorting STUFF and my doggies were running hither and yon. Now, Remy, the new puppy is kind of a mess. Last week, she went INTO my suitcase, found a little bag with a toy in it for Logan, got the toy out of the bag and brought it downstairs to play! Nice try. THis was different though....I came downstairs and noticed something at the bottom of the steps....a tube of clinique lip gloss. Then I noticed that tube of clinique was full of teeth marks and even had a puncture wound. Then I saw my very "cute" little puppy. I'm not sure the color she chose was the best for her...she may actually be a summer instead of an autumn, but she was NICELY adorned in a lovely shade of pink from toes to chest. Just charming....Looked like she had been caught in a bear trap actually. I'm very glad I saw the tube of lip gloss FIRST, before I saw her, or I probably would have had a heart attack when I saw her covered in a mysterious reddish substance. Always something....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

8/20 total irritation and frustration

I think people think I am no nonsense, tough, abrasive, etc etc. I'm not. Today, I am really struggling. WHy? Because when I do try to stand up for myself, I come off as a b**** and then my "case" is negated. Or so it seems. When did children get the right to be so critical of parents? You know what I say???? "Put your money where your mouth is". I'm trying so hard to make positive changes, and what do i get??? SNotty comments from kids. I"m actually pretty furious at the moment. THat and...because I don't have the where with all to stand up for myself...sometime...not now, I will explain the invisibility of certain groups of people. I am in this group. SOmetimes, it is good because I can use it to my advantage...(kind of like a 55 year old, ninja...ha) other times, it just means that I am not heard unless i fuss aand then i am negated because I am a 55 year old ninja b****. Ok...I'm finished for now. Have much to think about.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I guess this might fall under TMI., but since we are examining thoughts and behaviors, I think this is an ok observation. My brother called about 1/2 hour ago and my 88 year old mom was in an accident. After several more phone calls and many txt messages, I'm happy to say except for a bump on the head she is ok., and he is handling them (my folks) . As soon as I got that last phone call saying that everything is going ok., I felt this strong urge to go out and buy food...whatever.... WHy? It's a stress reliever I guess...or that is an old fashioned stress reliever for me.....trying to dinner, but I'm really glad the money moratorium is setting boundries for me.


Nothing much to report today. Had some other issues to deal with yesterday and today and that took up most of my brain space. I have to get cracking though...i ripped most of the stuff OUT of my closet and I'm not close to having it finished. I think I can though....I've got a couple of days and I'm excited to see what clothing I can find and get organized before school starts. It will be great....I do have 'before" pictures...but I'm not posting them until i have the after pictures. BTW...thank you for your encouraging comments....I must keep pressing on.... Oh...I did have a challenge today....I did have to do some shopping. Some for school with my school procard....(in other words, they pay), but then I had to get a "house warming" present and THEN....I needed two gift bags. I did look, but I didn't have wrapping paper or a gift bag....:( SO, I got the house warming present I had planned and then went to the DOLLAR get the gift bags. Have you EVER gone to the dollar store and only spent a dollar?????? I managed $3. One dollar each for the gift bags, and then a coke. I know, I know....a coke wasn't on the list, but I felt LOUSY and I wanted one. I guess I lose a point for that...:{ But, I even consider $3 a major victory. Hooray......! Here's a comment for riverrat....have you considered moving your wrapping paper box to the car on a permanent basis??????? :) ha ha ha

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

8/18 MY FAULT??????

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm watching Good Morning, America and I see that stocks dropped dramatically yesterday due to a drop in consumer spending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE WHAT I'VE DONE???????????????????????????????? The whole economy rests on my shoulders.....mae institutes a money moratorium and stocks take a hit. STAN....I'M SORRY!!!!!! ha ha ha ha......Gosh...maybe I should apply for a bailout from the president....after all, if I have such a dramatic impact on the economy, maybe he'd like to bail me out too. HA...don't think so.....:) here is a little thought for the morning....there is a wonderful freedom in NOT spending. wonderful.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Staring the enemy in the face.....8/17

Well, the enemy and i met face to face....I'm still reeling. What enemy you may ask? Yarn. Lots of yarn. Yarn, yarn and more yarn. All I can say is one in the western world will ever need to be cold if I start knitting now and don't stop for the next 50 years. Why am I sorting out yarn when I"m supposed to be cleaning out my closet? Because they are one in the same. The yarn was IN the closet in 3 sets of those plastic drawers. 3 sets. I guess there is some good news...I will NOT need to buy a baby shower present for a long, long, long, long time. I will be personally responsible for keeping the ears warm of all of the current PPC babies and all of the babies to be. I know, that is a little bit funny, but the truth is, I'm upset. It's not the yarn itself that is upsetting....most of it is very nice yarn....some is kind of ugly, but I suppose someone would like is the amount of yarn that is upsetting. Why do I have sooooo much??????????????? I have barely knitted anything in the past couple of years. Granted, I was in a scarf mode 2 or 3 years ago, but I probably made 50 or 60 scarves then. (honest) and I have this much left???????????????????? It is upsetting. Very upsetting.


Did I mention I have a little ADD????? SO, when I THINK I'm going to be working on my closet, I actually end up repairing a cupboard door instead! However, it was a quickie and the closet awaits. Please note the before and after. I did NOT take a picture of my mashed thumb. :)

Back to school shopping.....8/17

HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotcha......I'm not going least not at a store...well, actually, I am, but that is for groceries. NOPE....I'm going to empty my closet and then only put the stuff back in that I intend to and can wear. It is a little problematic, as my clothes cover about 5 different sizes...but I intend to be rather brutal about the process and see what i have that actually fits, what I actually love, and those will be the only things in my closet. I guess I could always use it for a racketball court, cause I don't think there is going to be a lot left. We'll see. Stay tuned.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


You guys are going to get soooo sick of reading this baloney. Anyway....I completed a project. Cost $0 Effect? It's ok...I'm satisfied with it. So....two ugly stools are turned into 2 pretty ok looking stools. In case you are confused...the ones on the top are the finished product...the ones on the bottom are the "before". I "found" everything I needed in the house. In fact I had THREE different fabrics to choose from for the new covers...all located in my kitchen. WHO KEEPS EXTRA FABRICS IN THEIR KITCHEN?????? Apparently, I do. Found the staple gun and the staples. Got it done. Perfect? Nope. Better? Yup. It's good to be able to say I actually found the stuff and did it. You know, I think I know why I had 3 fabrics in my kitchen...I have a feeling I bought fabric 3 different times for the same project, never taking the actual steps needed to complete it. Well...I did today. 1 tiny step for Mae.

Seek Ye First....8/16 post 2

Well...for anyone who doesn't go to my church or who wasn't there today, you need to go to the PPC website and listen to today's sermon. Guess what it was about? STUFF. Seeking STUFF instead of GOD. Hmmmmmmm........seems to go along with what I feel He has been trying to tell me lately.

8/16 #1

well..i'm back and I'm glad. sorry to leave my mom there alone...but she refuses to move, so there is not too much i can do. NOW....back to work....
The fun part of this is fixing stuff from other words, I think i have just about everything I need to transform different areas of my house and my life. The rule is buying stuff to "fix" stuff. Make things better by using what I have. That really is a fun thing.....hopefully, some pictures will be posted soon. :) Objective for today??? TO find my staple gun....I need it for my first project. I found staples in my bedroom...(isn't that where you keep yours??) Just need to find the gun...:) Later, gators.....

Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15th

well....I am writing this as I'm riding to the airport ON THE BUS. Yes, this is a funny has wifi! I guess that is a positive as I would NOT have been able to do that if I had rented a car and driven. :) I knew, the money moratorium would NOT be in effect while I was here however, except for one grievous lapse (those darn penny machines), it was a very controlled visit money wise. Basically I cut by over half what I would normally have spent. Taking the airport bus saved $160. I did pay for a couple of meals out for the two of us, and bought one little outfit for Logan, ($10)and spent $30 at the HUGE, HUGE, HUGE Christmas store in Frankenmuth, Mi. That place is incredible (I digress for a minute) I can't even describe what it iis like to go there...It is the size of many football fields with Christmas everything EVERYWHERE. You have NEVER seen so many ornaments in your life. ANYWAY, it is a unique place and I got an ornament for Christy, Logan and Josh, a funny little Christmas something for a couple of friends who shall remain nameless. All in all.....MUCH< MUCH< MUCH less spent. Nothing else for books....OH.....I did buy a little yarn....I'm in a baby hat mode and the walmart here has SUCH better yarn than ours. All of this said, I will share with you a couple of things I have learned. Spending money is an entertainment to me....I can see it in my mom....I can see how I was brought up. I remember a LONG time ago when the old mall still existed(!) going shopping with her there and buying 3 Easter outfits.for the kids....excuse me, let me rephrase that...charging 3 Easter outfits at Hechts....because I let her talk me into it.....I couldn't afford those...strange that I still remember that, isn't it??? Anyway....that was the way it always was....Am I blaming her?? Of course not, that would be ridiculous, but I can see how it was the norm to get into the habits I have. Shopping was the entertainment...It can certainly be habit forming. I actually felt it today. I will be happy to get home...and right away I'm thinking..."Oh goodie....after church tomorrow, I think I'll go to Dairy Queen and......" Nope...can't do it. Total spending moratorium IS IN EFFECT....I think it is going to be harder this time, at least for a couple of days. Spending sort of provides a release of least for awhile....does anyone else ever feel that? I do have one planned expense for later in the week, but it is none of the mindless, "yes, I can buy that and that and that and that and THAT"...kind of attitude that is SOOOOOOOOOO tasty. Ok... gotta go for now...sorry this was soooooooo long.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

8/12 :(

That is a sad face in my subject line? WHy???? Because I learned the hard way it is NOT a good idea to take your 88 year old mother to the casino to play the penny machines. :( No other comment is going to be made on this subject. Can hanging out with one's 88 year old mom be a bad influence????????????????????????????????????????? I think that is a YES!!!!! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

trip so far...8/11

Well, I know everyone is waiting to see how I made out in the backrow of the plane and on the bus. All is well. I continue to see provisions for which I am very greatful...I was in the backrow, but at the last minute the person next to me moved so at least I had 2 seats in the back row. I slept the whole way. No barfing. I got to PHilly....had a 3 hour layover....then I saw not only did I have a 3 hour layover, but my flight was going to be delayed. Now, remember, I did have a bus to catch...There was an earlier flight, that was just starting to load, but they said they were full. I didn't want to pay a change fee i asked if i could hang around and see if there was a no show... There was! I got the last seat on the plane and I didn't have to pay a change fee!!!! into dtw...found the bus stop ok., but it was LATE. boo hoo. (I had changed my reservation for that too) HOWEVER.....I had the NICEST time visiting with a young man from Sweden who was born in East Germany. It was great....absolutely great.....he was that made the bus wait tolerable. The rest of the day has been ok....I was able to get on the internet at my dad's assisted living and get Christy on skype sooooooooooo my parent's were able to see Logan for the first time. It was pretty neat. My dad was actually able to follow along and really understand who he was seeing and how amazing it was. A good day....a little warm for MI but looking at your temps in MD., I think we are doing ok. ps....I've sold $110 worth of stuff on ebay in the past 11 days. :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

a surprise...

here was something unexpected....I took Remy to the vet today and they didn't charge me!!!!!! When has that ever happened before????? Never. Thanks, Lord...I appreciate that.

and......more on day 10

well...Michigan flyer, here I come. It is a large tour bus...full size...nice seats. I wasn't happy, and then I remembered a long time ago, I took my kids on a disney cruise and we had to take the disney bus from the airport to the cruise port and i never gave that a thought. well, I don't need to give this one a thought either...I booked and paid for the seat and it will be fine. (ps...I did keep my car reservation 'just in case' but I'll cancel that as soon as I see if my arrival time will be ok)

day 10 post 1

errrgh....this better be worth it. it's only 7:29 and already I've had to make an anti spending decision...but actually, even though this one is irritating, spending the money would have been more irritating. Flying out of sby tomorrow, the only seat left on the plane was in the last row. I don't like the last row. I HATE the last row. It is stinky, bouncy, and noisy. the past, it has been possible to buy a "choice" seat for $5. I had decided to do that because I really, really do not do well in the last row. I went on the website to check in and get a seat closer to the front. Ok., i start the check in, and there are 5 seats left...i check on one and lo and is NOT $ is $20!!!!!! How OBNOXIOUS is that???????????? Shame on US AIR. SHAME ON YOU. $20 extra for a non noisy, non pukey seat. YOu know what???? Probably even WITHOUT the money moratorium, I would not have paid that...with the money moratorium, there was NOT A CHANCE I would subject my wallet to that insanity. Pass the barf bag....I"m in the last row.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

9th day....

The comments you guys are making are so is the 9 with no money spent except I did give the kid the loan.Big sigh (Oh and some gas for my car....but that was an approved expenditure) Now...I have not even been to the grocery store since this began. How about that? I have searched out the depths of my freezer and cupboard and had great meals...I actually cooked this week. Kind of a miracle right there, folks. is a week where I have to really look at things as I'm going to Michigan. I don't know quite what to do about several issues. I'll ask God and see if He will present some guidance for me. The problem is.....I don't want to break the spending moratorium...but I'm going to have to since I'll be with my mom and I'll have to share some of the expenses. I will keep to my decisions about no funny clothes, stuff, ebay, etc. etc. etc. We'll see how this plays out. OH....ok...this will be a first. I usually rent a car when I go.....I USUALLY get really good prices....really less than $20 a day. the LOWEST....the very lowest i could get was $39 a day. That plus taxes equals over $200 for 4 days. Ridiculous. So...what to do? I refuse to let my mom come in and pick me GUESS I will try the MichiganFlyer shuttle bus. It's only $40 roundtrip.....I don't know...I HATE busses....but this looks pretty good....even wifi on the bus....HOW DO THEY DO THAT? SO....I'm trying to summon it up and convice myself I can do this. I guess the thing I'm really worried about is what if my plane is late, late, late? After all, I AM going through Philly. :) We'll see.....stay tuned.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I'll tell you about this, but only if you promise to read the whole thing and understand that it is NOT about WHAT I was given, but just that it WAS given. Since the Grand Social Experiment/Money Moratorium has begun, I have had the best time with some is the good part....these people know NOTHING about my Grand Social Experiment/Money Moratorium....AND...I'm not even sure what the point of this is....except, maybe I'm noticing things I didn't notice before. OK...with all of that said, here is the funny stuff....though I have not purchased anything for myself, in the past 6 days I have been treated to a delicious ice cream cake treat...totally unexpected.....was taken out to lunch.....TOTALLY unexpected.....and was treated to a lovely day away from Salisbury with lunch and dinner. Simple and fun. Does this mean I'm working on becoming a professional mooch???????? No...not by any means...all of these were surprises, and like I said the folks involved knew NOTHING about my experiment. I just believe they were gentle encouragements from the Lord...i don't know if that makes any sense or not, and I certainly didn't want to sound like gimee gimmee gimmee...that's not the point at all...just what pleasant surprises were given to me this week and I REALLY APPRECIATED THEM. :)


Nancy has been making some encouraging comments and I appreciate them....I don't necessarily agree with them, but I appreciate them. :) Ok...I'll focus on good news.....the good news is that I lost a couple of pounds this week...probably from NOT eating any fastfood or random sodas. Another piece of good news is that I still have the same $20 bill in my purse that I had last week. Very excellent. I was hungry and tired last night and didn't see anything in the fridge. I went out to do an errand and until now would have stopped at wendy's or KFC or something. I mean it's ONLY $5 or $6, and about 2000 calories, right?????????? But, I didn't. I came home...LOOKED IN MY FREEZER...pulled out a pack of my very famous chili bowl chili, made a pack of cornbread and there was dinner. Probably a lot healthier than Wendy's and actually much more satisfying. There are money things going on that I really don't feel like I can share with the world...the hardest part today is having my money figured out almost to the penny for the next 5 days till payday and then a child of mine needing $50 for a very necessary payment. is a to do this...when I know I am behind on a couple of pmts myself and I'm holding off till payday, and I know I've already told another child of mine I would help with another's really hard and the domino effect is very hard.....

Friday, August 7, 2009

8/7 2nd posting...

errrrgh........ 7 8/7 #1

Well, it's been 7 days. I have successfully NOT spent anything...not one penny on any regular everyday purchases. Not one coffee, not one soda, not one trip to Ollies', not anything. I"m pleased. I'm a little edgy today.....better get some projects cranking.....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

and more...

now, I just found a panera gift card too!!! and my car is cleaned out....Instead of going to the car wash and paying for a vacuum, I used a hand vac from home. did NOT do as good a job as the big vacuum, but it is ok. I was doing that I remembered I have 2 tokens for free vacuuming!!! so, i think I know where one is...have to check. Isn't that just dandy?

amazing stuff....

as I do NOT believe in coincidence, i do want to give God the glory for all of these little and new discoveries. First...thanks, for the loan of the dog crate. I really appreciate it! 2nd...I was cleaning out my car and found a check for $46. Wahoo....that will go in the "found money" jar. I also found about $2 in change. Next...I was worrying about how to keep the money embargo in effect as I travel to Michigan....especially while hanging out in the Philly airport...I found a Starbucks gift card!!!!! How grand is that???? Little things, but VERY, VERY important as I work on stopping the money hemorrhage and work on establishing sanity in my home and life. :) Thank you Lord, for being aware of the little things that are going on in my life.

day 6 post 2

i am hoping today will be and odds and ends day...what does that mean? There are a myriad of things that are just odds and ends that need to be dealt with in my house...lightbulbs burnt out, switch plate covers that need to be put on...a cupboard door that needs to get fastened on...drawer pulls that are missing. all little things, but things I think will add up and help. the biggest hold up in this??? Not sure where tools are etc. I have to go pick up the dog crate and then I will see what i can do.....

day 6 8/6 post 1

the sixth day of the money moratorium. I am still pleased, of it only 9am and I haven't headed out of the house yet....but i am still aware of how many places I might have stopped and spent...and I DID NOT. I even found a dog crate to borrow which is a happy thing....much happier than spending $60 for a new one. more later....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

day 5 post 1

an update...I am pleased with the spending moratorium so far....very pleased. I have caught myself MANY times when i could have bought coffee/lunch/gone shopping etc. I didn't do any of that. I am PLEASED.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

day 2 Not just a house issue...

You see, at this point, the house is secondary. Instead, it is the thinking that got my house and me into the pickles I'm in that I am truly trying to address. That is why a spending moratorium is in's not about money, it's not about lack of's a matter of thinking....

Day 4 (8/4) post 1

Feeling rather despondent this morning.....can't really go into it......however, we shall press on. I do have to make one "purchase"...nothing for me, but I must pay the postage for the item I sold on ebay yesterday. I have the cash set aside, so that is good. TIme to make my lunch for our workshop today. Other than that, nothing exciting, except my new little dog is asleep on my purse.....don't even know what to say about that....except she sure is cute when she is asleep!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

day 3 (8/3) poat 3 are some items we are going to be adding up: today, 1 laundry basket emptied, 1 tub emptied. Please understand...this is not "current stuff" that is being emptied...not current laundry....this is "stashed stuff". 43 cents discovered. One contractor size trash bag, one regular size trash bag and one full canister for the trash company to pick up. Maybe I'll keep a running total....then I can do something like the 12 days of christmas....but maybe it will be the 12 tons of trash....could be catchy......Oh...and I think it is only fair to share some of the most unusual items discovered: One dolphin shaped "snow globe" ....obviously never made it to school. AND this is very fun to do with 2 little dogs sticking their little noses into EVERYTHING i get into. Maybe I should measure how many feet I can now walk into various rooms???????? ha ha don't know if I"m kidding or not!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Day 3, post 2 8/3

ps...i've sold two items of ebay in the past couple of days....

Day 3, post 1 8/3

Well, so far so good, but not without a couple of trip ups....well, not really trip ups....just a little bit of frustration. I was in a workship today from 8:30-3. I carried my lunch and felt rather virtuous as most everyone else pitched in to order pizza...but I honestly was quite content. So...afterward, I had time to kill before a pseudo appt. I normally would have "hung out" at Ollies, or paid a vist to Kmart, but I came home and let the dogs out instead. I went to the appt. which was to supposedly meet someone who was interested in buying my 12-string guitar. He didn't show which was aggravating. So...I came home and got another message....he was waiting, could I come back?? So, I went back and he wasn't there again. can probably imagine some of the words that were bouncing around in my head this time, especially since I got caught in that HUGE downpour. Anyway, chalk it up to no loss, no gain, no biggie. Good try and I'll try again. If you know of anyone who would like to buy a very nice 12 string guitar I can help them out!!!! BTW....I found a GREAT planter on my porch which will be dandy for the plant I need to re-pot. Once, the rain blows past, I'm going to see how many bags of trash I can set out for the trash pick up tomorrow. Exciting, huh???????

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2, post 1

well, by 7:02 this morning, my mind had already decided I "needed" to get a couple of things. One was patio blocks to go under my swing. The grass grows high and it's icky. Yes, it does need attention. That's why I have a lovely container of roundup. WHich I'll spray on there this afternoon. The other thing was that I got a dandy pack of pens for $1 at walmart yesterday. (before the grand social experiment started) THere are several colors in it and I like them a lot. So, as I was opening them, my thought was..." I NEED to go back and get several more packs". Why do I need several more packs? Yes, they are nice and I'm tickled to have them. BUt I bought 2 packs and each one has 10 pens. I honestly think that will hold me for awhile. Do you see what is going on????? I am going to have to retrain my thinking. I am going to a store today. BUT...that is to return something.That's all for now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 1, post 2

Day1, post 2. First mental challenge: I had purchased a plant to go in my dining room. I THOUGHT I had a regular pot in there already with an artificial plant in it which i could use. I don't. First thought..."Oh, I need to get......" Nope. I don't need to "get." I have all sorts of beautiful containers in this house and shed. THink I'll go find one.


To any and all who are reading this....I've been away for awhile...both literally and figuratively. Facebook has been my primary mode of communication, but I decided this was too heady and involved to write about in notes on facebook.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....with that said, here goes.

Today is August 1st. For the next month I will spend nothing except on consumables...IE food and medicine and gasoline. (Except for bills of course) I must put in a couple of caveats...1st...remy does have a vet appt in 3 weeks and 2nd I am going to Michigan for a few days and that might mess things up a bit. I also reserve the right to have a screen door put on my back porch if I can find one, get a haircut and I have to get a battery for my blue car. Other than that, the list of prohibited purchases includes but is NOT limited clothing, "stuff," (Ollies, I"m sorry...I'm taking a break) nothing for the secret shop, nothing for Logan, no anysoldier stuff, no housewares, nothing on ebay, no electronics, no BOOKS!!!!!...that will be the hardest...I love furniture, no stuff for the house, no ladders, no staplers, no pots and pans, no movies, no BOOKS....did I already say books? No sheets, no blankets, no storage containers, no tools, no spray bottles, no make up, no lotion, no dishes, no musical instruments. WHY????? Because I already have all of that stuff...but I lose it in this insanity of a house and then I buy more. NOT THIS MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!! Money will NOT be spent on any fast food. WHEW.....I think that covers it. I will blog about my progress. You might wonder why part I? Well, because this will lead to part II which is this. Using the concept of reduce, reuse, recycle I intend to transform my house ONLY USING WHAT I ALREADY OWN. No new storage units, no new bookshelves, no new nothing. I am turning myself into a HGTV experiment. When I get to part II, I will post some pics and explain as I go. Should be quite an adventure. OK...that's it for now. I am excited about least for the moment. I'll keep you posted.....

8/1 Day one. This is the day this profound experiment came to me. How and why? I was sitting out in the back on my swing at 7 this morning watching the dogs. It was beautiful....I realized how ungrateful I am for all that I have and how I have been a poor steward of so many things. I'm sooooo very tired of dealing with the same issues over and, money, mess etc. When I was at Westminster this summer, someone said the definition of insanity was to keep doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. I do that a lot. No comment on my level of sanity or lack there of. I try to "fix" things, especially the mess and myself by buying cures of whatever type i think will work. SOOOOOOOOOO....that is what led to the first step. The money moratorium. Stay tuned......