Monday, November 30, 2009

a small testimony....

Well...yesterday, I was so stressed out with all of these shows coming up, I was ready to just throw up. It was bad. So, I made a list. All the loose ends...all the worries....all the "stuff". Then, this morning, I went through the list and prayed specifically for each item. I didn't necessarily "dictate" the desired answer...just giving them up to God. SO.....I started off at school today and the stress immediately built....due to a lot of scheduling issues, I didn't think it was going to be remotely possible to get this show ready for the 10th...including that I can't decorate the stage until the 9th. That just isn't enough try to teach all my classes, and do rehearsals and get the stage set up. Miracle of miracles...I went to see the principal about a couple of other things and lo and behold, she is getting a sub for me on the 9th so I can have the whole day to get ready. THis is amazing....absolutely amazing. I would NEVER have asked for that....but this way I can be at school all day but concentrating totally on the show and getting the stage decorated. wahoo. God gave me immeasurably MORE than I would have considered asking for.....very, very humbling.

1 comment:

sixfranks said...

Praise the Lord! I'm so glad!