Thursday, November 19, 2009

back....'s been almost a month since I've written....why? Because I quit...I gave up. finito. Discouragement, disillusionment, disapointment, detour......I think detour is the most important d word. I don't remember where I was a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't know where I was going (driving) and without knowing that precise location, it took me considerably longer than the folks who could picture where it was they were headed. DOes that sentence even remotely make sense? Well...this is the thing I'm hanging on to right now... I don't have a goal...I don't know where I'm going...and because of that, it is taking me considerably longer to get there. I'm trying hard to figure out a goal...then maybe I can get back on track. that's all for now.


Anonymous said...

Stay ON the road, though. Keep driving-the goal will get clearer.

Anonymous said...

(Might have something to do with "Glorifying God and enjoying Him forever")

sixfranks said...

Love you Mae! American Education WEek is over so that's a good thing:) Keep on plugging!