Saturday, December 13, 2008


Secrets now abound with the children of PPC!!!!! That's because a BOATLOAD of them did their shopping today at our Secret Shop!!! They were soooo fun as they looked for their special items for their special people. You know...little kids are different from us. Not one of them looked at their list and rolled their eyes and said "Here's so and so. I guess i HAVE to get them something" No, each name was special...each one deserved special consideration and thought....there were no, "have to's". Each one was a delight....and it was a delight to watch them. They are sooooooooooooo funny...Now here is something that is NOT a secret. Well, actually, it kind of is, but it is my job to make it NOT a secret. Here is a salute to the unsung heros of my church...... Dana and Jeremy and family....Sue H and family.....Eric and Alan....Joanne.....Suzanne...Cindy and Jason...the folks who came just to clean up....the folks who came to help giftwrap.....all of the teens who came to help......OH MY GOSH....EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

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