Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Mistake??????

I am greatly confused by an article I just read. It said Michael Phelps made a "mistake" when he took a hit off a bong at a party. Hmmmmm.....exactly, how is that a mistake???????? Did he not know what a bong was? Did he not know what was in the bong??? Was he tricked into thinking this might be some new kind of aromatherapy? I am guessing he reached for the bong...took it into his hands....and took a hit off of it. A deliberate action. I just don't get the mistake part. It was a bad choice. It was breaking the law. It was a ridiculous trade for millions of dollars of endorsements, but it wasn't a mistake. I am sad and disapointed in this situation. Not because I'm a prude or anything's just that when you have a whole world looking up to you, doesn't that carry a little bit of responsibility with it? When companies have pledged millions of dollars to you for promoting their products, isn't that worth something? Is the enticement of a high worth more than that? If he needs a rush, watch the video of his wins....that should be a bit of a kick. And the...."it won't happen again". Well, I think he said the same thing in Salisbury when he was visiting the high schools here after a DUI. But, I guess that was a "mistake" too.... Very sad.


Andy and Nancy said...

I agree 100% Did you hear that the guy who owed the bong tried to sell it on e-bay for $100,000? So maybe Michael will learn 2 lessons...there are tons of people out there willing to help him make "mistakes" to line their own pockets and there are people watching his every move very closely.

Sue said...

Does anybody learn anything when all you do is keep slapping their hands? What do we learn when if you have enough power, money, name recognition, earning power, you can do whatever you please and you will not be punished? It's happening all around us. Look at the cabinet members and nominees, committee heads, senators, former president....we live in a sinful world.