Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Why, you might wonder, has Mae not been posting???? BECAUSE I'M STILL DOING BATTLE WITH THAT STUPID WALLPAPER. I think I probably will hold the record for most time spent stripping the wallpaper and scraping the ceiling in one little room!!!!!!! HOWEVER.....I am happy to report, the wallpaper is OFF, and the ceiling is SCRAPED and almost all is spackled. (SP?) Anyway.....aside from Oliver licking the spackle off one section of the wall, we are getting on towards painting. WAHOO. That is another issue re: Oliver. For anyone who doesn't know, he is my one year old mutt...kind of looks like the Wizard of Oz dog, only black. He is also bad to the bone and will eat ANYTHING. He cost me some serious $$ last summer when I thought he had eaten a bottle of pills one week and then the next licked Kilz paint off an entire cabinet I had just painted. Do you know there is poison control for animals? I do. They were very helpful. So...as I paint, Oliver has to be locked up or at least away in another room. As far as he is concerned it is just a very funny thing that I am "frosting" walls with such DELICIOUS stuff. ha........


Sue said...

I have had the "pleasure" of stripping several rooms of wallpaper. Some comes off so much more easily than others; I don't know if that is a tribute to quality of the wallpaper or to the hanger's prep. One time I used so much of the stripper I hurt my lungs and had to finally be put steroids for a week to heal them. It has made me not want to put up wallpaper again...well, "hang" in there! :>) By the way, haven't confirmed a date with a place yet, but 7-11-09 is what we are shooting for.

Anonymous said...

Poison Control for Dogs! Love it! Perhaps the point is moot but do you have a healthy collection of chew toys for Oliver?
Flossie likes a chew bone but I reserve them for special occasions(like when company comes and I don't want her chewing up the guests); wallpapering and painting may be a good time for one of these.

Also, goodies tossed into a deep plastic bin(I use the parrot food container). They have to work to get the treat out-keeps them occupied for a bit(Flossie does have this activity worked out to a few minutes now)

What color are we painting and I haven't seen M.M yet.