Thursday, August 6, 2009

amazing stuff....

as I do NOT believe in coincidence, i do want to give God the glory for all of these little and new discoveries. First...thanks, for the loan of the dog crate. I really appreciate it! 2nd...I was cleaning out my car and found a check for $46. Wahoo....that will go in the "found money" jar. I also found about $2 in change. Next...I was worrying about how to keep the money embargo in effect as I travel to Michigan....especially while hanging out in the Philly airport...I found a Starbucks gift card!!!!! How grand is that???? Little things, but VERY, VERY important as I work on stopping the money hemorrhage and work on establishing sanity in my home and life. :) Thank you Lord, for being aware of the little things that are going on in my life.

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