Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day 2, post 1

well, by 7:02 this morning, my mind had already decided I "needed" to get a couple of things. One was patio blocks to go under my swing. The grass grows high and it's icky. Yes, it does need attention. That's why I have a lovely container of roundup. WHich I'll spray on there this afternoon. The other thing was that I got a dandy pack of pens for $1 at walmart yesterday. (before the grand social experiment started) THere are several colors in it and I like them a lot. So, as I was opening them, my thought was..." I NEED to go back and get several more packs". Why do I need several more packs? Yes, they are nice and I'm tickled to have them. BUt I bought 2 packs and each one has 10 pens. I honestly think that will hold me for awhile. Do you see what is going on????? I am going to have to retrain my thinking. I am going to a store today. BUT...that is to return something.That's all for now.


faith said...

This is really neat. I am glad you are blogging about this. How fun.

Andy and Nancy said...

We all have a touch of messie in us and I know I'm going to love reading your blog. Check out Friday's Focus on the Family Show. Great advice from a teacher who was a messie for 25 years. You can listen online or download the podcast to iTunes and then your iPod.