Friday, August 28, 2009

friday night day??28th is that right???

Well, it has been interesting so far. Had a good evening with some funny friends who came over to help shred papers. It was fun to chat, and munch, and sip and shred!!! How very nice to have such great friends. I hope tomorrow truly is rainy because I want to stay home and work on my room. I am physically very tired from set up at school. YOu have to understand, I'm doing the same thing there that I am here. God BLESS the custodians at the Intermediate school. I bet they were ready to KILL me yesterday....even if that meant they'd have to clean up afterward. I had one of those monster rolling trash cans overflowing, the huge recycle can, half filled, and 3 more heavy duty trash bags plus a stack of flattened boxes....all out in the hall to be thrown out. I'm surprised they didn't throw me out. BUt, bless them, they took care of it all. I want to do something nice for them....I have to ponder that. It is time for BED. BTW...still doing well on the spending....not perfectly, but pretty close. thats all, folks!

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